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Using paper and cardboard to investigate their capabilities in becoming an adaptable system as they expand and contract.



A square base with two rectangles connected to the base
by concertina paper. The vertical rectangle has slots cutout
for the movable rectangles to slot into. There are holes in
the base for room for someone to pick out the piece.

This model is limited to two sides of adaptability and the cutout slots dictate where the rectangles can slot into. It is set and there isn't as much potential for transformation as there could be.

I changed this model to a hexagon base to increase the number of pieces that could branch out. I still used concerntina paper to make these pieces adaptable. This allowed me to also increase the edges on the vertical structure to six. I allowed for extra space for the paper in the base with the rectangle pieces still fitting perfectly flat in the slot.

Although this model has more options for transformation it is still limited in its options. It is also very rigid and rough.

These models rely on human interaction to activate the adaptable system by slotting the piece into the holes where they join.

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